Comfrey Compound Spray
*price includes shipping within the US. International orders must contact me to arrange extra shipping costs.
*price includes shipping within the US. International orders must contact me to arrange extra shipping costs.

*price includes shipping within the US. International orders must contact me to arrange extra shipping costs.
I ain’t messing around with what goes IN and ON my body…especially in a world where health care behaves like sick care…and the only way forward is to go back. Go back to taking full responsibility for your health. Go back to simple and true and effective. Go back to less things and more sings. Go back to rest and silence and learning. Go back to the divine design of your body.
“Comfrey. I grow and harvest both varieties in my yard and use one for soil and one for medicine. It amends and breaks through blockages. It completes my healing power of 3 with Pine and Yarrow because of these qualities. I have found comfrey to be the healthy relationship that brings the divine masculine and divine feminine into action for the most reliant growth possible. It is both the innocent and the wise. It is both soft and strong. It brings things together, while creating abundant pathways of healthy growth. It regenerates to restore and creates more of what needs to be. It oozes with the love of a wild freedom.”
Ingredients: Common & Russian Comfrey plant matter, 151 rum, distilled water, organic cold-pressed sunflower oil. With these ingredients, I create 4 different herbal applications that are combined in this compound: tincture, flower essence, tea, infused oil.
Comfrey tincture: Vitamin C, Calcium and Magnesium. Stimulates cell growth. Great for scrapes and cuts on the outside, and for tissue regeneration on the inside. (think fascia, muscles, bones, organs, etc.)
Comfrey flower essence: As the name implies…comforts the wound. Amplifies the healing process already happening while adding it’s own healing mechanism to the mix. Comfrey reminds us to be soft and protective in order to heal. It helps us be the in-between that creates the way of a strong and thriving center.
Comfrey tea: Comfrey contains Allantoin, which is able to accelerate the process of new tissue growth.The tea duplicates and amplifies the healing process.Comfrey contains rosmarinic acid, which helps to relieve pain and inflammation.
Comfrey infused sunflower oil: Called “knitbone”, Comfrey has been prized since ancient times for its ability to help heal broken bones and damaged tissues. The fat molecules in the oil helps the body take the healing benefits to a deeper cellular level and allows the body to absorb the compounds with ease and efficiency.
Use internally by spraying under the tongue, close your eyes and observe your body working with the yarrow. Use topically for first aid applications. Use as smudge spray, and/or energetic anointments.
For a deeper dive into all of my ingredients, CLICK HERE.
*disclosure: this product is home-made from human-processed ingredients and equipment from my kitchen.
*another disclosure: blah blah, herbs are not bureaucratically approved medicine and blah blah, take at your own risk…blah blah, consult your healthcare provider before use.
“I have used Pine in partnership with Yarrow to heal pneumonia. I use it to strengthen my wholeness and find peace in the grit, grace and grief of life. It boosts my physical energy while washing a feeling of peace at the same time. It also has incredible metabolic regulation and spike protein detox…what? There is a reason it keeps resonating as a the king to the queen that is Yarrow to me.”