Yarrow Compound Spray
*price includes USA shipping. International orders must contact me to arrange extra shipping costs.
*price includes USA shipping. International orders must contact me to arrange extra shipping costs.
*price includes USA shipping. International orders must contact me to arrange extra shipping costs.
I ain’t messing around with what goes IN and ON my body…especially in a world where health care behaves like sick care…and the only way forward is to go back. Go back to taking full responsibility for your health. Go back to simple and true and effective. Go back to less things and more sings. Go back to rest and silence and learning. Go back to the divine design of your body.
“I often say “what can’t yarrow do?” And I mean it…I have had so much healing from this beauty. From the energetic, spiritual, emotional, AND physical. I have found North Idaho to be the “Great Mother”. She speaks the truth you need to hear so you can shift into what you need to be…and she does it with love so you can be resilient. She is the strongest, wisest, boldest feminine energy…she is clear in her voice and her reasons. I harvest Yarrow in the wild woods of North Idaho and have found it to be the most potent, gentle, and delicious compared to other regions. ”
Ingredients: Wild-harvested, North Idaho Yarrow, 151 rum, distilled water, organic cold-pressed sunflower oil. With these ingredients, I create 4 different Yarrow applications that are combined in this compound: tincture, flower essence, tea, infused oil.
Yarrow tincture: Cleanses, clears soothes and tones. Fortifies cells and calms inflammation. Expels toxins and stagnation. Prevents scarring.
Yarrow flower essence: Reminds us it’s okay to stand out and be different. Comforts grief. Helps us build resilient adaptation to life, living and the environments we are in.
Yarrow tea: A natural boost in vitamin C, niacin, and minerals like potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, natural bitters, and inflammation reduction.
Yarrow infused sunflower oil: I find the fat molecules of the oil helps the body assimilate all the yarrow benefits on a deeper cellular level. Yarrow in oil is soothing, penetrating and deeply nourishing as it unifies into the cells.
Use internally by spraying under the tongue, close your eyes and observe your body working with the yarrow. Use topically for first aid applications. Use as smudge spray, and/or energetic anointments.
For a deeper dive into all of my ingredients, CLICK HERE.
*disclosure: this product is home-made from human-processed ingredients and equipment from my kitchen.
*another disclosure: blah blah, herbs are not bureaucratically approved medicine and blah blah, take at your own risk…blah blah, consult your healthcare provider before use.
“I have used Yarrow to help me heal many different ailments. It was the ONLY herbal steam that gave me relief when I had pneumonia. It has leveled out my hormonal swings and reduced my PMS. It has stopped excessive bleeding. It has quickly healed burns and bites and pain and cleansing toxic tissue. it has become my go-to and hail Mary for anything that happens”