This one is different…
I’ve been looking back in my journals and videos to review this time of year in the past. It’s a “see how far I’ve come, and see how there’s more to go” kind of medicine. One thing I’ve noticed is that in the past, by now on the gregorian calendar, the Imbolc portal has opened. But it hasn’t this time around.
How do you know if a threshold portal has opened?
For me, it’s a “ker-thunk” of the Earth energy itself…a very physical feeling of something is different. It’s a subtle shift in the fields of Nature as a whole…a very spiritual essence that sparks curiousity and attention. And, when it opens at different times on different years for each threshold. For example, I remember Lughnasadh of 2020…that bitch was open for 4 freaking weeks! There way nary a break of in-between Lughnasadh and Mabon. And it was exhausting and a bit disorientating. But also…look at what was going on? I often pontificate that there is a correlation between these portals, how us humans are doing in regard to good humaning, and divine design of life, death, rebirth. If we ain’t acting right…those portals are longer, harder, and a bit parental in trying to teach us the lessons we need to learn. But that is a bit off-path for what I’m cauldronizing today. Another example is a Litha from 2011. That portal was 5 days. 5!!!! Whew…
What I’m trying to get at here is I have built the skill of watching for what things ARE…not what what I THINK they should be or WANT them to be. I’ve built the skill of observing so I can oracle what actually is and then learn from what is real. I’ve built this skill of allowing the great mystery of Life be what it is and be in a real relationship with that. So, when I am leaning in, I notice that this Imbolc portal if very…very different. It hasn’t opened yet, which is late by it’s usual patterns…but remember that there is a plan here and it’s not my plan…just a plan I’m choosing to listen and learn from. It doesn’t even feel close, which makes a little sense to me given that if Florida is freezing and getting 5 inches of snow then we have a “hell freezes over” kind-of-vibe going on right now…so God is busy with other things right now.
This Imbolc portal feels different in another way too. It’s not even different in a familiar way that previous portals feel different. It feels sacredly different to the bones and I don’t know what that means right now, but it’s the best way to describe what I sense. So, I guess it’s pretty darn timely that I’m finally offering my Threshold Portal path to y’all…because what if we are truly in a new timeline or new Earth energy that needs lived, observed, and acted on? What if this Imbolc Portal is SOOOO different because it really is?
Or, maybe…that is just a mirror, and how we see “it” is how or what we need to do for us. Either way, to live alive, healed and whole means we need to walk the paths to heal our wounds and own our shit and cross over what was so we can be what is and create what shall be. No matter what angle I spiral around this very-different-feeling Imbolc Portal, the center of all Life is the same. You gotta do the healing work. Take responsibility for a higher standard. Grit and grace every step of the way. The beautiful thing about this Life and the wheel it spirals on is…we are always growing, changing and shifting. We do ourselves, and those around us a great service when we slow down at the thresholds and change with the changes…learn from what is…discover more understanding…and cross over into a higher standard of BEing so our DOing is a little bit better than before and thank God we have 8 times a year to tend to this growth bit by bit.
Lucky for me, I’ve got a practice down of Threshold Portaling. Lucky for you, I’m offering a 7 day container of free-range exploration, observation, nourishing movement for the physical body, and crossing over into yet another season of being you in this wheel of Life. Day 1 is this Friday!
January 31st - February 6th. 7 days of personal development path-walking through the portal of the Imbolc threshold. You will receive daily free-range content that will stir you to change with the changes of this ever-evolving Life. This practice will deepen your relationship to Earth's natural rhythms, which will in reflection, deepen your relationship toe YOUR natural rhythms. This relationship is essential to the ACTUAL natural health and healing of your body and spirit. Join me. It's fun.