The dark of the spark…
Today is January 23rd, 2025. This time in-between winter Solstice and Imbolc is a wonderful and challenging time for me. I am more of a solitary…cave dwelling…dark sensing…wintery hermit kind of of critter. I love the long dark nights and later mornings. #savestandardtime I love lighting my candles and having that delicious glow with my coffee. I love the deep quiet I provide myself with the deep quiet that the winter slowdown brings. I even love the challenge of emotions and feelings that all this cold space brings up. Sure, it’s disorienting at times. Frustrating most of the time, but it’s the essence of this time in-between Solstice and Imbolc that I like to call “the dark of the spark”…and that stirs a wonder in it all.
A little context here:
I do enjoy the hubbaloo over the gregorian calendar new years and even do pretty darn good with the months and weeks now that I have my check-in ritual. But it’s the wheel of the year spun with my free-range fingers to weave in the medicine wheel and the portaling of energy that happens at every threshold there within. So…this makes my ACTUAL natural flow and planning of life takes form in 6 week chunks in-between thresholds with portaling work to be done to keep changing with the changes of an ever-evolving living healed and whole.
I hope that makes sense…even if in a mystical non-sense way, but a bone stirring sense way. To me this way feels like home. Anyway…I’ve whipped up a visual of this in my head and it’s my first draft…I’m sure I’ll tweak it now that it’s birthed, but this gives you the ooga-booga that is my vision of how all this spirals. You can download and print this graphic if you’d like.
Back to the here and now.
Here we are…in the dark of the spark. It’s this time and space of feeling the unsee-able potential and waiting for it to come into view…like waiting at the airport for your soldier to come home. It’s a dream state walking…or is it more of walking through the day in a dream state? Either way it’s like if dream and walking had a baby. It’s like several weighted blankets comforting you and making you relax while at the same time feeling the tornado of not knowing what to do. It’s a bit of getting lost for the purpose of finding. Time is a stumbling drunk asking for another dance. It’s the existence of nothing before the spark of a new cycle of life. And just like everytime we begin a new lifetime, we have to forget the one before…the dark of the spark carries this kiss of forgetting but I think it’s just to give the mind a time-out so the body can reset in the dark slow crock pot of this time. Because the forgetting doesn’t last long…so my goal this time around is to just enjoy the quiet that the forgetting brings my blender brain.
This “dark of the spark” isn’t going to last too much longer. The Imbolc portal will open soon, with ACTUAL Imbolc being on February 3rd, 2025. Funny…last year it was on the 7th! What a spread there, but these thresholds align with astrological points and I don’t control those, I just find out what they are so I can plan my thresholds, my year, and my life. The cycles within cycles.
I can hear the Imbolc portal waking up. She’s not here yet, but she’s waking up. My sense is, the theme is going to be surprising…so I am a little curious as to how that will play out and what that means. All I know is this time around, I’m going to share this realm with you.
This year, I would like to offer 7 days of personal development fun at every threshold portal. I hope you will join me. The first one will be at the upcoming Imbolc. I’ve had to let go of my Ruzuku platform so I’ll be making the content happen here on my website. I’m learning, creating and figuring it out as I go…which is really no surprise since that is a very free-range way of doing things. (it’s been a blessing actually, it has helped me escape the dungeon of perfectionism) In this offering, I am excited to share with you some history, some free-range layering, some movement medicine, prompts of course, and some learning that we can only know as we go.
Yeah…I think we are getting close to the Imbolc portal opening…I feel a shift…so I best get back to my cave and savor the last lil’ bits before the wheel of the year takes my dark of the spark into the spark of Imbolc. See you soon…oh, and you can sign up now for my Imbolc portal offering below.
Please share this post, or this offering with anyone you think will benefit from some simple, but profound path-walking.