What I’m learning…

Today is the day. It’s Imbolc day. The day that we cross over from forgiving into dreaming. As I create the content for my Imbolc offering, I do the work too. And when I said that this Imbolc is different, I’m learning how deep that sentiment goes. I’M different. I was different when I went into offering, creating, and facilitating this Imbolc Portal. And I knew I was different…I mean, I’ve been saying that a lot the last few years. And I’ve even noticed how and where I’m different but even this isn’t what I’m talking about. To say it’s a deep subtleness is an understatement. What if it just simply IS different and that is all the story there is? What if I just be different because I am? What if this Imbolc portal brings different and new energies because it is? Then the only thing left is to change with these changes.

In this portal, I’m learning that dusty and rusty is a good place to start. I’m learning that the dust and rust flakes off as I move forward. I’m learning that God really is a thing and that has been really hard for me to face and those reasons are just wounds. I’m learning I have a LOT to build and grow into when it comes to communication and relationshipping. I’m learning that the discomfort of change is eased by changing with the change. I’m learning that it’s really cool that I don’t give up just because things are not what I want them to be…I’m really grateful that I am willing to change to be in a direction that feels right and good and true and keep that as my north star.

Today is the ACTUAL Imbolc day. The day when two planets cross paths in the heavens and the Earth shifts with it somehow. The portal of this threshold has been open energetically for a week-ish and will likely be open for another week-ish. If you are craving some inner work and body conditioning to align with that, my Imbolc Portal offering is a great place to sink in, and invest in learning more about you and what changes you are changing with. It’s not too heavy…you get prompts, rambles, movement, and I show you the fierce simplicity in ACTUAL natural energy healing that I am cultivating for myself.

This content is open for enrollment still. Join today for Imbolc and simmer in this path for 7 days starting today…the portal will hold you. There is no “too late” in an open portal.

Imbolc 2025 Threshold Portal
One time

January 31st - February 6th. 7 days of personal development path-walking through the portal of the Imbolc threshold. You will receive daily free-range content that will stir you to change with the changes of this ever-evolving Life. This practice will deepen your relationship to Earth's natural rhythms, which will in reflection, deepen your relationship toe YOUR natural rhythms. This relationship is essential to the ACTUAL natural health and healing of your body and spirit. Join me. It's fun.


This one is different…