Create a free-range path of living alive, healed & whole with

Actual natural health & healing.

What I’m doing here is fresh, ancient, and unprecedented. It’s simple. It’s in line with divine design. Welcome to a realm of ACTUAL natural health & healing.

This means all my products are free from fake or toxic ingredients. This means all my offerings are free from fake or toxic guidance.

ACTUAL natural health & healing is both a physical and spiritual path of higher standards.

This means no fake or toxic ingredients in the products I make, and no fake or toxic bypassing in the personal development I support you in. Adhering to these high standards is the life-blood to living alive healed & whole. It may not always be easy, but the fierce simplicity and radical accountability of my free-range ways will bring forth your wisest, most resilient self. Be better to do better. You heal you. I am here to help.

For my cash paying local peeps: the prices on this site have shipping and transaction costs included…your price is less because I don’t have those costs involved with our exchange. If you need to confirm your cash pick-up price, email me at


Skin Food
from $30.00
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Skin Food Lip Balm
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Yarrow Compound Spray
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Pine Compound Spray
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Comfrey Compound Spray
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Oracle Prompt Cards
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Rattle Necklace
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Bespoke Rattle
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Online Rattle Making
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13 weeks Free-Range Personal Medicine Container
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