Welcome to your

Free-Range Alchemy Path

The first of your next steps

Setting your weekly session schedule:

You need to know that I try to not schedule on Hubby’s days off so we can work on projects together. Currently, I am not taking sessions on Wednesday or Thursday. And 1pm PST is the latest I can book sessions.

Now, consider what days of the week (not Wednesday or Thursday) works for you and what time before 1pm PST that works for you. Here is a exercise to get started. 1- write down 3 days of the week that you like, and/or know you can be consistent in. 2- write down a time of day (your time) that feels like a time of day you can sink into. 3- play around with matching your day and your time until you have 3 options that FEEL good. Email them to me and I will choose one or send some alternatives.

Once we have an agreement on your set day and time, we will begin your weekly sessions. I advise you to schedule out in your calendar for the weeks you are committing to. If it’s in there, you are less likely to double book.

Plan for the weekly AMA:

To keep it simple, we will go off of the gregorian calendar for this. You can ask me one question per week Sunday through Monday. I will reply within 2 days.

I prefer to use the Marco Polo app for this. If you have it, great…you can connect with me on there by searching for Nissa Howard. If you don’t have Marco Polo, but want to use it with me, you can get it HERE. They now have a laptop application so you don’t have to always be on your phone to use it!

If you are not going to do the app, you will need to Email me your weekly question in either audio file or plain text and I will reply with an audio file or plain text.

The prep steps

Prep your outer space:

I like to consider this part preparing a nest or making a den for your animal body to come to for your pathwalking. Carve out a space in your residence where you come to for your sessions, for your prompts, for your listening, for your personal development time. Map it out so you have room for a movement with your session device in front of you…set it up so you can stand up in an x shape and move around in that space…think of yoga mat as diameter to the space needed.

Make it cozy. Make it beautiful. Make it whatever you need to feel sacred, inspired, and ready. When you have a prepped space for your humaning work, it becomes second nature to return…and automatic in dropping in. It’s a way of self-care and setting yourself up for success.

Things to consider doing or use as inspiration:

  • set up your device so you can show up in a comfortable, seated position…then stand up and move in a circle with extended arms…do you have enough room? Can you lay down comfortably too? Do what you need to do to make space for these actions. (pillows, blanket, yoga mat, etc)

  • journal

  • room for mug of something wonderful

  • oracle cards

  • rattle and/or drum

  • yoga mat, blocks, blanket, etc.

  • gather whatever else rings right for you and know that I may ask you to get something else at any time for movement props

  • make sure you come to each session with all the nest/den elements you need to shift your brain into inner work

Prep your inner space:

This is where declarations come in. Currently being worked on…if you are seeing this, please know this will be coming to you soon or we will do something to honor it.

I think that is it for now. Let’s get these steps taken care of and then we get to begin!

If you have any questions, you can contact me.

I’m happy to get moving on creating your alchemy path and walking with you as your guide, your mama bear, and your BS detector as you rewild your living healed and whole. I believe in you…because I know that within you is your best self aching to be the one who leads your life. Let’s get to it!

DO better to BE better and you will BE better at DOing better. It’s as simple as being wrong in your wounding so you can be right in your wholeness.