Rattle Necklace

Wearable spirit guides for living alive, healed, and whole.

Every morning I stand before my rack of rattle necklaces. I drop in to my bones so I can see clearly…and choose which essence will help me best that day. I will rattle to shift the shit…amplify a truth…or hear the guidance from spirit. A rattle necklace provides a touchstone for alchemy and oracles throughout the day as you walk your free-range humaning path.

Exchange of $97.00

*includes shipping within the US…international shipping needs to contact me first

I am craving more real connections. Therefore, I am encouraging the old fashioned exchange of accepting checks as the vehicle for exchange. There is something deeply activating about slowing down and writing out your exchange…and something deeply remembering about waiting for the process to complete. If this calls to you, you can join me in the real by sending a check for your rattle necklace.

If you are a no-check kind of person, you can provide your exchange through the online link button below. Make sure you provide a current email address, shipping address, and essence choice with the exchange.

Essences to choose from…

  • Vision quest living (cow elk)-a voice made from chips of Ruby in Zoisite

  • Blood & mud (cow elk) only one left- a voice made from chips of Malachite

  • Transformation is easy when you are ready to change(blacktail buck)-a voice made from chips of Yellow Agate

  • Knowing the difference between effort and resistance(blacktail buck)- a voice made from chips of Snowflake Obsidian

  • I am the Portal (cow elk)- a voice made from chips of black Tourmaline & Seraphinite

In your package you will also receive a link to where you can receive the storied ancestry of your rattle necklace that shares the essence, energy, and spirit messages from the animal whose skin was used.

And when you are ready, enjoy my rattle basics class!

A little help to get you started…

Learn my free-range basics for how to use your new rattle, how to care for your rattle, and how to repair if something happens.