Oh this dear, sweet, and bone chilling one. She was worked in-between Vision Quest Living and I AM Portal. She is a completion of the power of 3 that these all make up. She is for those who are healing the maiden within, those who are maidens now, those who celebrate and raise maidens, those who fear the power of maiden. She has SO much to say…and it’s an invitation for the blessed discomfort of learning, listening, and healing.
Thaw & flesh video…
Click HERE for video.
see into…see in to…
embody…embrace…fall in to fully feel…a stirring of wise innocence
full and fleshed and free to be me
Dehair thoughts & messages…
Click HERE for video.
naked…freckled…and the purpose of keeping what’s left…
What power does your inner maiden have that has never REALLY been forgotten?
Consider the Nis-ism below…what magic of the maiden from “back then” is the thing driving you forward now?