Knowing the difference between effort & resistance
(blacktail buck)
It starts here…
Voice from the fleshing beam…
I know we are claiming this buck as “knowing the difference between effort & resistance”, but I would be remiss to also not share with you that a focused tone to this voice is “the effort of being too small”. We exhaust ourselves by making ourselves small. May we stop doing that and use our energy for peace, power, and rewilding wholeness.
Sitting in the watery fire of inflammation…
A message before dehairing…
damn learning curve on this new DSLR camera…
it cut me off after 10 minutes…grrr
please stop here…close your eyes…take a deep breath…and hear what you need to hear that didn’t get recorded…using this as an oracling opportunity for you!
Neutralizing message…
The journey of these two bucks ended with the beginning of becoming a drum. This guy making up the head of the drum, and the other guy making up the lace of the drum. Then, they became rattles too. From one body, many are born. From one body, many voices belong to exist.
May you have the courage and wisdom to wait until you are ready so your transformation will be easy. May you conjure the grit it takes to have the grace it takes to be a human who transforms with easy.
Thank you for being here and listening and creating with me.
In wholeness,