Create a path to living alive, healed & whole.

What I’m doing here is fresh, ancient, and unprecedented. It evolves and is very in-the-moment. It’s ACTUAL natural health & healing. This means all my products are free from toxic ingredients. This means all my offerings require you to do the alchemical work, and you will be a much better version of yourself once you do.

You are responsible for you. You heal you. Overcoming your wounds is the most important thing you can do to change a wounded world. I am here to stand for, and call out your most resilient, healed, and whole self. I am here to reflect and hold the line of higher standards and training yourself to be your best. I am here to help do better to be better.


If you know what you want and want to go straight to the shop…go HERE. Remember, any offering can be exchanged with a check for a more connected, quiet, and intimate feel. Just contact me with what you want and I’ll reply with my address.

Skin Food & Lip Balm

Acutal natural skin treatment for health and healing. I use this for EVERYTHING. Face, body, hair, repair.


Make your own, or buy from me. Rattles move your body from a negative state to a positive one. Shift the shit.

13 day journey ReSource

A re-sourcing of our journey skills and visioning connection. Fill your spiritual cup for. Move with spirit.

Herbal Compound Sprays

One of a kind herbal methods of tincture, flower essence, tea and infused oil. Spray delivery system for internal and external use.

Tough Love Prompt Deck

Get an outside perspective from within when you need to make a useful shift. Helping you help yourself grow.


Make your own, or buy from me. Drums amplify our prayers, visions, and healing. Activate the power.

13 ReStore faith & trust

ReStore your faith and trust in Faith and Trust. Fill up the empty parts of you that ache for support.

Work with me

You are unique. You heal like no one else. Working 1 on1 with me will create an alchemy path just for you.

Dealing w/ dead things

Work hides for drums and rattles. Create sacred items from the dead gifts that life brings you.

Contact me.

If you have any questions…let ‘em rip!