Bespoke Rattle

One of a kind…just like you. Shit shifting, body buzzing power in the palm of your hand.

Exchange of $250.00

*includes shipping within the US…international shipping needs to contact me first

Here are the rattles that are birthed and ready to go. Order one of these, or get on my waitlist for me to make one for you that isn’t here. Below each rattle I’ve named the kind of animal it’s made from and the essence of its’ spirit. Those stories will be accessible once you have your rattle. And since each rattle has it’s own spirit, they all have a message to give. It’s SO much more than just a rattle. It’s deep roots and light heart. It’s a cauldron of the animals’ spirit having a voice, the rattle having a voice, and you taking action to amplify yours. You ready?

Vision Quest Living-cow elk

Voice of ruby in ziosite and corn. Adorned with deer and selenite. Message: “Finish the adornment with your own medicine…” the rest comes with the rattle.

Vision Quest Living-cow elk

Voice of ruby in ziosite and hide. Adorned with nothing. Message: “Good God let it be simple, clean and…” the rest comes with the rattle.

Blood & Mud-cow elk

Voice of jade, wood, corn & hoof. Adorned with crow & hematite. Message: “Call yourself home each and every day. Even if…” the rest comes with the rattle.

Dreaming in the fire-cow elk

Voice of corn, snake & black tourmaline. Adorned with deer and moose. Message: “She who can-not be tamed…”the rest comes with the rattle.

Which one is yours?

I am craving more real connections. Therefore, I am encouraging the old fashioned exchange of accepting checks as the vehicle for exchange. There is something deeply activating about slowing down and writing out your exchange…and something deeply remembering about waiting for the process to complete. If this calls to you, you can join me in the real by sending a check for your rattle. Coupon codes can be used to adjust the price with this option. Make sure you declare the rattle number so I know which one to send you!

If you are a no-check kind of person, you can provide your exchange through the button below. Please provide me the number you are claiming in the order form. I will need to know which one to send you!

Saying yes also brings you…

  • Stories from the fleshing beam that speaks the spirit of the animal your rattle is made from.

  • The full message given directly from the rattle itself.

  • Intuitively chosen earth medicines go in to every rattle bundle.

  • Your name sung into the rattle as activation ceremony.

  • Invitation to enroll in my Free-Range Rattle Basics class.